Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Blog Spotlight V.7

Sweet Fine Day has been one of my favorite blogs for as long as I can remember. It's funny because awhile ago (maybe a year or two), the author Jenna decided to take a break. At that time I also took a break from reading blogs, I cleared out my Google Reader, and somehow I didn't put it back into my feed. Fast forward to a few months ago, I stumbled upon Sweet Fine Day again and let out a little cheer when I noticed so many new posts!

Jenna's family runs a successful confectionery in Brooklyn, and between photos of their delicious looking culinary creations, their wonderful neighborhood and their adorable kids, Sweet Fine Day is such a bright spot in my daily reads.  Jenna's writing always makes me smile, and also makes me wish I lived in NYC to experience so much of the culture and wonder they're surrounded by.

If you're looking for a great new read- one that will having you oohing an ahhing over gorgeous photography, getting lost in wonderful stories, and making you smile with its honesty, then Jenna's Sweet Fine Day is for you.  Let me know if you head over and check it out!

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