Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

This past weekend was nothing short of wonderful. I'm a big fan of birthdays, and I've never been to type to get bummed out at the start of another year. I actually really enjoy getting older, weird, I know. I don't know if I'll always feel that way, but for now I just really feel like life only gets better with every year that goes by. I always wonder what great things the next year will hold. So, as I turned 29 this weekend I was more than happy to usher in the last year of my twenties.

Hank, Henry, Madeline and I spent the weekend down in Mesa at my parents', and had the best time. Friday evening my best friends surprised me with a little dinner party and I drifted off to sleep that night with a full belly and a happy heart. Saturday morning my Mom and I had a great workout, then came home and we all went out to Chandler Fashion Center to shop. I ended up meeting the most adorable reader (hi Sarah!) and she totally made my day. While there Hank also got part one of his birthday present from me, an iPad!  He was so happy and surprised, and it was great to walk into the Apple store and let him know he could go ahead and pick one out. For months I'd been discouraging him from buying one, so he really had no idea. He was beyond happy and jumped around like a little kid. So awesome. Afterward we all went to Green for lunch. The rest of the day was spent relaxing until we headed out to North Scottsdale for Nate's 30th birthday bash at Greasewood Flats. We listened to country music, played horseshoes, and had such a great, low-key night.

Sunday was my actual birthday and it was kind of a dream day for me. To summarize without going into too much detail, it included sleeping in, working out, eating ice cream cake, a trip to Target, swimming and taking lots of photos at the park! My sister also gave us an amazing gift...tickets to see Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj with her. Believe it or not Hank really and truly loves pop music and especially Britney. Yup. So feel free to make fun of him when you see him!

I just feel so thankful for the past few days.  I have a feeling this year is going to be amazing, and I'm excited to see what it has in store for me. This past year has been filled with a lot of personal growth...and is it weird to say that I'm proud of myself? 'Cause I am. I hope I'm just as proud of my 29-year old self at the end of this year.

Here are some photos from the weekend:

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

birthday weekend

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