Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011


So, remember a few days ago when I posted this gratitude list? Well, on that list I mentioned how thankful I was for the anticipation of getting to enjoy Rita's Italian Ice while on the East Coast this summer.  One of my darling readers Alyssa left a comment letting me know that Arizona actually DOES have a Rita's now...and she pretty much made my entire day. I called Hank at work the minute I discovered this- "Oh my god. I have the BEST news!" and I think he thought we won the lottery or something. Luckily he loves Rita's too, so he was just as excited.

Hank had to run down to Phoenix for a work-related function later in the day, so of course Henry and I tagged along...and of course we stopped at Rita's on the way home!  It was absolutely delicious, of course. I got a cherry gelati, which is a cup with custard of your choice on the bottom (I always get the vanilla), topped with fresh Italian ice, then topped with more custard. It's so, so, so good. Hank tried the Swedish Fish flavor and it tasted just like the name suggests.  Both were beyond delicious and so refreshing. 

You can bet we'll be stopping by Rita's any and every time we make it down to the valley! See all their locations here.

Happy Italian-icing!






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