Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Friday links to love!

Happy Friday! It's been a fantastic week full of friends and for some reason, even more delicious Mexican food than usual. I also can't help but be excited about this upcoming week for a few reasons. One, my family, Sarah and I are heading down to Tucson Saturday for my cousin's graduation party. My Aunt has the most beautiful home and I'm excited to enjoy a cool desert night and delicious food, surrounded by the people I love. Then, some girlfriends and I are going to see Thao and Mirah on Monday. And three, my sister is treating Hank and me to the Britney/Nicki Minaj concert Wednesday. Ahh, can you say amazing week?!  The countdown is also on for our East Coast vacation...one month! I can't wait to stick my toes in the Atlantic.

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This is my new favorite wedding-related blog. Love the concept and it's just so darn aesthetically pleasing!

One of my most beloved blog friends + the beach + beautiful photos. Inspiring, really!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this. It's a must-read for every woman, and so on point with my mindset about growing older.

Another thought-provoking article by Teresa Strasser, one of my favorite bloggers.

This post makes me want to pack up our bags and head to the Italian countryside. Just beautiful.

Is it weird to have a links post linked in a links post? No? Okay then.

I thought that Caitlin's response to my "What Are You Waiting For" post was lovely.

Molly's take on the alphabet was super neat- and I found a few new blogs to check out too.

Congratulations to Liz on her new job with CBS Sacramento! So excited for her.

I really enjoyed this article on Tiny Buddha, that I found via Carynn.

Have a great weekend!

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