Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Friday links to love!

view from our lounging spot

{photo I took in Central Park two summers ago while visiting Emily. I miss it, and her!}

Hi all and happy Friday! I am so excited about this weekend because we don't have too much going on.  We are kind of a go-go-go kind of family, so when we don't make plans and allow our weekends to happen pretty organically it feels like such a treat!  The only definite things we have planned are Henry's first swim class tomorrow morning, and hang outs with my wonderful sister in law and Hank's Grandma on Sunday.  Oh, and lots of Sons of Anarchy.

With all of the birthday and anniversary excitement I missed sharing links last week, so this week is a little mix of this week and last. Enjoy!

This week Jamie featured me in her "Big Dream" series! Check it out.

And Danielle featured me in her Style Files!

I LOVE THIS HAIRSTYLE. And I can't wait to try it. There's also a plethora of other braidy, twisty dos on that site, so have fun clicking around!

My friend Kristin is living and volunteering in India, and posts like these really bring a lot of perspective into my life.

Happy birthday to one of my favorite bloggers, who just happens to have adopted a hedgehog (named Petunia Pearl, of course).

This lovely blog has a lovely new home, and look too!

Super sandwich combinations, approved by Alex. Definitely a must-click if you're a sandwich fan like me!

I love this super positive (and free) download-able print.

Ever have a poisonous pal? Ever wondered how to get rid of them?

I've fallen in love with Carynn's silverware DIY! How great do they look?

Vegan banana bread.

This is my inspiration for future outdoor dining. So fabulous!

Having a little bouquet making party is the most adorable wedding idea.

2011's six coolest nail polish trends. I personally love the nude colors.

Summer ain't summer without lots of popsicles. How about lemonade stand popsicles?

A super inspiring and healthy shopping list, from one of my very favorite blogs.

Land's End, I had NO idea you could be so cute.

And speaking of cute, Mandi's Ascot Bow tutorial is all sorts of adorable.

Do you think if I ask nicely Don and Rachel will take me on vacation with them next time?

I really love seeing our town through other people's eyes, and Ashley's trip to Prescott looked like so much fun. I really love her blog.

Adie is blogging again!

And finally, read this article. Then tell me what you think!

Have a great weekend!

oh, and p.s. today you can find me over on Moorea's blog and Ivelisse's blog too!

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