Minggu, 07 November 2010

Week in photos

This week has been a good one. Originally it was supposed to be my last week of work, but I decided to just keep on going and work through next week as well. It's funny because I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go back at all this year, or even work past Fall Break, but it's just been so much fun that it's actually a little hard for me to just be done. As of today I'm 11 days from my due date and still feeling really wonderful. And yes, I know...wonderful and almost 39 weeks pregnant don't always go hand in hand! I feel lucky I've been feeling so good. I attribute this to still working out almost everyday, whether it be walking for an hour outside or doing the elliptical followed by light weights. Pregnant women: stay active! I swear it's been the best thing for me and has made this pregnancy such a pleasant experience! Also: if you're planning on getting pregnant and aren't much of an exerciser, start now! I know due to circumstances not everyone is able to exercise throughout the entire 10 months but if you can, I say do it.

So yeah, we've had a super fun weekend so far...we are just about done with the nursery (photos very soon), my parents came up for brunch and a fun day of family stuff yesterday, and I managed to get a lot done. We're also allllmost done with Modern Family Season One too. And helloooo, how have we never seen this show before?! It's amazing and so, so funny!

Today Hank and I got up early and fit in a workout, then I came home and enjoyed my current favorite breakfast: an Ezekial cinnamon raisin English muffin with Trader Joe's peanut butter, Wallaby lemon yogurt with raspberries, and a little orange juice. So good. I could eat that exact combination at every meal. Right now I'm about to start prepping homemade ziti for dinner tonight- have you ever had baked ziti? It's seriously SO GOOD. We're having family over tonight which will be fun, and then I will getting ready for my last week of work. I'm really excited. :)

Here's my weekly collage 'o photos! I hope all of you had a great past week, and I hope this week is even better. I'll be back later tonight or tomorrow with a special letter to Henry. Happy Sunday!

week in photos

left to right: a beautiful quilt for Henry made by Erin's mama Anita, finishing up Harry Potter Book 4 (so obsessed), so many band shirts Hank is boxing up and saving for H. when he gets older, Mom and Dad downtown, steamed cinnamon apples and raisins, my handsome husband, root beer float night, my Mom's vegan, sugar-free, pumpkin biscuits (made with fresh pumpkin!), my last evaluation at work, an amazing sunset from our driveway, one of my favorite iPhone apps, takeout Thai food date night, a cute mobile in the nursery, some changing leaves, a deliciously huge vegan cookie I enjoyed at work, my aforementioned breakfast from this morning!

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