Minggu, 14 November 2010

playlist for a relaxing Monday morning!

Good morning Monday, good morning readers and friends, and good morning to maybe-possibly the week I give birth to our son! Pretty fun to think about. Yesterday was one of the most relaxing days I've had in a long, long time. Sometimes I find it hard to just stop doing and going...and just sit and take time for me. Yesterday though, I found it really easy. I slept in until 10am which is rare for me, and then I proceeded to lay in bed and read a new book on my Kindle for hours and hours- literally all day long, with cat naps thrown in here and there. I decided to indulge in one of my "guilty-pleasure" authors, Nicholas Sparks, and read The Guardian. I didn't know anything about it, except that one of my former students enjoyed it, so I ordered it and began to read. Talk about a surprise. This book is definitely not what I expected, and if you know anything about Nicholas Sparks you know that most of his books are in the vein of one of his most popular novels-turned-movie, The Notebook. This book is NOT like that at all, and by chapter 3 and I was totally creeped out. I've definitely been enjoying the book, but from the beginning I was on the edge of my seat and totally weirded out by the character of Richard. I kept on reading all day long, (then broke my relaxation for a workout and to make chili) and now my lovely Kindle informs me I have a mere 30% of the book left. I am definitely going to finish it this morning and I'm beyond curious to see where it goes...so no spoilers in the comments if you've read it!

Outside of the creepy book though, I really and truly enjoyed a relaxing day. So in the spirit of that, I decided to share a playlist of more low key music for all of you on this Monday morning. If you're in the get-up-and-go kinda mood, maybe come back later tonight...but if you want a slow start and a calm air to your day, perk up those ears and enjoy! Either way, have the happiest morning, noon, and night. Lots of love!

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