Selasa, 16 November 2010

Mommy blog love!

The busier I get, the less time I have to just sit down and read blogs, but I still make time for my favorites, and I have a great list of daily reads that I occasionally add to when I come across something fabulous. I really love that feeling too; finding a new blog you love, enjoying entry after entry, and getting to see such a glimpse into the writer's world. When I find fantastic blogs I always feel like it's great to share them- many of you may already read some (or all) of these, but I thought I would do another quick little post highlighting some of my most favorite blogs I've stumbled upon recently. In the spirit of this week, I thought I would share those that fall into the "mommy blog" category. So, here are four blogs I recommend to all of you!

1) It's a Wonderful Life!

I came across Allie's blog while looking through the Top Baby Blogs list and absolutely loved that her little guy was named Henry too! Allie's family is absolutely darling- she posts quite often and her posts typically highlight her daily life, trips they take, the most adorable pictures of her Henry and her hubby, and just paint such a picture of happiness and positivity. I really enjoy reading Allie's blog, and I know you will too. Plus, look at that little face! He's seriously the cutest thing ever.

2) Her Sea of Love

Oh how I love this blog. It's a very recent find for me, but I could swear that I'd come across it before. This is the blog of an adorable mama-to-be, Sarah, and her journey to meeting her little one. I adore all of her photos and writing (she writes lovely "Letter to Baby" posts), and I feel that whether you're a Mom, an expectant Mom, or nothing of the sort, you too will really enjoy the almost dream-like quality that is Her Sea of Love. I'm so happy to make this blog one of my daily reads.

3) She Breathes Deeply

Mandy is the cutest, her blog makes me super happy, and she seems like the kindest soul around. I've posted about Mandy before, when she did a Tattoo Tuesday feature awhile back, and since then I have been an avid reader of her sweet blog. She's another expectant mama who is waiting on the birth of her daughter, and she writes about everything from crafts to home life, dreams for her little one, stories about love, and her journey with yoga. Inspiring, upbeat, and worth a follow!

4) Dear Baby

Time and time again it was recommended that I check this blog out- so many of my wonderful readers (hey that's you!) told me how much I would love reading Melissa's writing, how much she and I had in common...and it took me awhile to get over there, but when I did...SWOON! What a lovely blog, beautiful family, and excellent writing. Melissa is an old soul with a big heart, and this is so evident in everything she puts out into the world. Dear Baby has a large readership as well, so many of you may already read it, but if you don't, I really recommend you head over there, I promise you'll love it. :)

If you do head over their way, let them know I sent you, and if you're inspired to do so, think about posting a list of some of your favorite blogs! Nothing is better than supporting one another in this great big world. :)

Have a great Tuesday! <3

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