Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Saturday link love/baby update

via weheartit

Good morning everyone! Quick update on baby: we had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and besides the pressure to induce me on Monday (hello, that's just four days past my due date), it was okay. We learned that I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced, so progress is definitely happening. If you follow me on Twitter you'd have a lot more updates than that (ha!), but last night, after a week of horrible, little to no sleep, contractions, and overall major uncomfortable-ness, I slept a solid 10 hours! Insane. I feel great today and from what my girlfriends are telling me, perhaps this is my body's way of prepping for going into labor. Let's cross our fingers! So today Hank and I are enjoying one last Saturday of "just us," and going to lunch and to see a movie. I've really been wanting to see Morning Glory, so Hank has graciously agreed to see it, even though I know he doesn't want to. At all. Oh, the joys of being pregnant and getting your way! ;)

In other news, I thought I would share some of the great links I've stumbled across this week:

  • this delicious overnight oatmeal via Framed. How delicious does this stuff look? My crock pot is one happy appliance since we've been using it more, and this oatmeal is definitely happening soon. I think I may add in my yummy apple treat to make it even more cold weather appropriate.
  • Mumford & Sons. This video. I can't stop watching/listening/loving.
  • Holly's classic hair inspiration! It kinda-sorta makes me want to chop off my long hair to my shoulders but I think I'll just live vicariously through these pretty photos from awhile.
  • these museum-inspired wedding invitations via The Loveliest Day. I swear, the longer I'm married the more I want to get married again. Henry, watch out, because I have a feeling I may get a little too into planning your birthday parties. I can't get enough of all of the amazing ideas I see everyday, and Melissa over at TLD doesn't help one bit with that! ;)
  • this awesome self-love list from Gala Darling. It's an old one I've saved for awhile, but I really love revisiting it for fresh inspiration.
Alright friends, enjoy your weekend! <3

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