Senin, 08 November 2010

Monday's happy list

for emily! thumbs up for today!

Here are some things that are making me super happy on this wonderful Monday evening!

1) fabulous, wonderful personalized blankets for Henry, made by/from our loving friends and family! (you can click the photos to view them in a larger size)

2) TWITTER! Maybe I'm just a huge nerd but I love twitter a little too much. I really enjoy being able to keep in touch with so many of my far away friends in one place- it's like having a huge support team 24/7. Are you on twitter? I've mentioned it a couple of times recently but if you want to follow and see when I go into labor, watch as things transpire, etc. click here to follow me.

3) this beautiful, gloomy weather we've been having. I'm totally a fall/winter kind of girl so October and November are two of my favorite months. I can't get enough of the crisp chill in the air, the stormy clouds, and the occasional rain. I snapped this quick photo tonight from our backyard!

4) Hank! It's crazy how much more I fall in love with this man every single day. Seeing him as a papa-t0-be is the most beautiful thing in the entire world, and it's also one of the most attractive, wonderful sides of him I've ever seen. He is going to be the most amazing father, and it's extra exciting to see him get so excited. I'm sure those of you who have been through this would agree, but going through this experience together brings you so much closer than you ever thought possible. It's such a beautiful thing and I can only imagine how much more intense it will be once Henry is born.

my handsome hubby

5) Trader Joe's Chunky Spiced Apples. If you have a TJ's in your area I highly, highly recommend you pick a jar of these up. They are so very delicious, and the only ingredients are apples, cinnamon and apple juice. I've been putting this stuff on toast, on my oatmeal, and even warming it up and putting it on vanilla ice cream if I feel like a need a little treat. It's similar to applesauce but chunkier, with huge pieces of apples...and it's to die for! Try it and let me know what you think!

6) Modern Family. I just mentioned this show last night in my post, and for good reason- Hank and I have been watching Season One nonstop and finally finished last night. It's by far my current favorite television program and makes me laugh until my cheeks hurt. Are any of you fans? If not you should be. I can't get enough of it, especially Manny and Cam. Love those guys.

7) daydreaming about wearing my normal clothes after I get back to my regular size. I can't even tell you how excited I am to be able to enjoy my wardrobe again. I don't know how long it will take, but when that day comes I am going to be ecstatic! Recently I've taken to walking into our closet and just looking through my clothing, dreaming of the day I can stop wearing one of my four maternity options and start feeling cute again! Can't wait!

Saturday outfit :)

8) Martha Stewart's Whole Living magazine. I've always been a fan of Martha Stewart's Living magazine, but the Whole Living version is right up my alley. It focuses on a more natural way of living, from organic and healthy food options, to lifestyle choices and tons of inspiration and ideas! Some of my favorite recipes have come from this magazine. Love it. If you're curious, click here to check out a gallery of natural desserts...and then scroll down to explore a million more recipes and ideas.

9) West Elm's "Gifts for Kids" section! Have you checked this out yet? There are a ton of affordable, super cute and fun gifts for kids. I love that they're all artsy, hands on kind of gifts, that encourage kids to use their brains and creativity. All of the items are just perfect for stocking stuffers or stand-alone gifts and they have everything from puppets to finger painting sets! Well done, West Elm!

10) thinking, dreaming, and getting so incredibly excited about CHRISTMAS! I really love the holidays and now that we are heading into the holiday season I can't even express how ecstatic I am for all of it. Add a new baby into the mix and I might just explode from happiness overload. I'm looking forward to getting a BIG tree this year, baking tons of delicious cookies, and of course, spending time with family. I feel so lucky to live in a place that experiences all of the seasons, and that totally helps me get into the holiday spirit. I was uploading to Vimeo the other day and came across this silly winter video from last year when we lived in our little downtown house, and it got me really excited about snow and the holidays, and all sorts of winter goodness!

Snow day! from Danielle Hampton on Vimeo.

11) my sister. Some of you know her, or maybe even follow her seldom-updated blog (AHEM LAUREN!), and really, to know her is to love her. I feel really fortunate to have a sister that I really adore and who is truly my bestest girlfriend. Lately I've felt really excited about her becoming not just a wife very soon (her wedding is coming up in a couple of months), but also an Aunt. I know Henry is going to love her so much, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the two of them together. She's going to be wonderful.

sisters 1

What things are currently on your "happy list?" If you feel so inclined, make a post on your blog and link back here; I'd love to check it out! I hope all of you had a wonderful day.

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