Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Girl's Night, Fun, and Maid of Honor news, oh my!

Friday was girl's night, and it was so much fun! We headed to La Bocca on Mill Avenue in Tempe for dinner and enjoyed some of their delicious food- I got the pear and goat cheese salad and the other girls got different versions of their pizzas. My sister got the Margherita and I had a slice...oh my word, it was to die for! My salad was amazing too, and it was overall just a great time.  This was the first time both Natalie and I had been out for a true girl's night since we had our babies, so it was really exciting!  My Mom watched Henry, and it worked out well because he goes down at 7pm on the dot every night. Our dinner was at 8, so I just fed him, put him down in the pack n play upstairs, gave the monitor to my Mom, and headed out. It's so nice that my mama doesn't mind watching him, and it's so great to know he is in good hands.

After dinner we walked down to RA to visit Sarah's fiance, then we headed over to Casey Moore's to finish out the night. Something very, very amazing/adorable/funny happened while at Casey's, and I had to share. So, Sarah and I are walking through to get to the inside bar, and she sees an old friend that I don't know. He congratulates her on her engagement, she thanks him, and then introduces her MAID OF HONOR! I just looked at her and laughed. She'd asked me to be a bridesmaid when she got engaged, but had never asked me to be her Maid of Honor. We did have a casual phone conversation about bridesmaids stuff awhile ago, and although we touched on the topic she never actually asked me. So when Sar introduced me as that I was totally taken aback and I'm sure her friend thought I was crazy. We walked inside and discovered that all along she thought she had already asked me, and I had no idea! Ahh! SO...I am the Maid (Matron) of Honor! I couldn't be more excited and we of course did the whole girly cry, hug, scream thing for a moment after she "officially" asked me, or re-asked me, whichever!  I'm just over the moon happy about it and I can't wait to get planning and spoil her so much. She deserves it. I also pretty much love the adorable story to go along with it!

It was just the loveliest night, full of really awesome positive girlfriends and great talks. It's so rad when you get together a big group of girls and there is NO shit-talking (for lack of a better term), no cattiness, none of that. Just happiness, support, and positivity. Those are my kind of girls, and I can't wait to do it again soon. And, here are some photos from the evening, via Instagram!

Girl's Night

Girl's Night

Girl's Night

Girl's Night

Girl's Night

Girl's Night

Girl's Night

Girl's Night

Girl's Night

two more days to vote!

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