Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Friday links to love

sweetest boy

Hello and happy Friday! Today's been a super productive day so far, and it kind of feels like a holiday, since Hank is home from work on a weekday!  Just ignore the swollen face and painful jaw and we're having a grand old time!  But really, Hank is doing well. He had all four wisdom teeth pulled, but since they weren't impacted it was a fairly quick process. Hank's right here next to me, eating mashed potatoes and says he was quite surprised with how un-horrible it ended up being. That makes me so happy!  So we are just taking it easy for the rest of the weekend, laying low, relaxing and recuperating. It's going to be so nice to do a whole lot of nothing, especially after my whirlwind Phoenix trip last week.  This evening we actually started a new televisions series, Sons of Anarchy, and we're absolutely hooked, two episodes in. And Jax? Oh man. What a cutie pie. He's a biker version of some of my main celeb crushes: Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, and Jordan Catalano. (yes, I realize two of them are deceased and one isn't even a real person. Whatever).  SOA thought is pretty much amazing and I can't wait to watch more.

I hope all of you have the best weekend, whatever you find yourselves up to! Here are some links on this very late Friday evening:

It's AZ Bloggers Week over at Dream Book Design- check out my feature!

I LOVE Kyla's Friday Finds this week.

This has got to be my favorite new feature at any blog in a long, long time. Can't wait to see more!

Elizabeth's goals about getting healthier were really inspiring!  I truly enjoy reading motivating posts like this one.

A big welcome to baby Arlo! Congratulations, Jordans!

Liz's Hawaii photos are making me want to hop on a plane and head right back over there. It's been about a year since our last trip and lately I've been Hawaii-dreaming like crazy.

This entire wedding is beyond amazing. My favorite is the "Here Comes the Bride" banner.

I've been finding tons of inspiration via this awesome project by a sweet friend.

I'm loving these cute closet organizers for kids! My favorite are the Russian dolls.

Carynn shares another awesome all-natural, homemade spa treatment on her great weekly feature, Food On Your Face Friday. 

My friend Elisa draws comics and shares them on her Tumblr. They always seem to make me giggle.

Philadelphia, anyone? Katie and family should have packed me in their suitcase! This looked like such a fun trip.

Dying over Rifle Paper Co.'s Stationary Show preview. So good.

Glacier photos.

These images have my head in the clouds and so ready for summer.

And speaking of summer, I adore these beach photos over on Jess' blog!

What a fun, creative idea for a kid's room/gift!

You go, girl!

And finally, here are two blogs that I've really been enjoying lately: one and two.

p.s. some things coming up in the next couple of days: a shop my closet pop up blog and a book review (or two)!

Have a good night!

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