Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

8 weeks to a better me: Week 5/Loving Life & Having Fun!


This week I am so excited to have one of my favorite blogging friends here on Sometimes Sweet, Lauren of Busy Bee! I recently and very briefly met her at the AZ Blogger Meetup, but since then I've gotten to know her better through her blog, twitter and Facebook. And let me tell you, I adore this girl!  She's truly a burst of sunshine, and Busy Bee is just such a witty, fun and beautiful addition to my daily "must-read." When I thought about this topic she's someone who immediately came to mind- Lauren is a girl who lives a deliberate life.  And by that I mean she chooses to fill her life with good energy, chooses to be positive, and in turn inspires so many other people to live authentic, positive lives as well.  It's a great thing, and I'm so happy to have Lauren here to share her love for life with everyone. 

A special thank you to all of you who have been participating in 8 weeks. Your goals are all so inspiring and it's neat to see how everyone looks at the topic a little differently. You all motivate me so much and I really appreciate each of your comments, messages, and linked posts. I've had so much fun reading through them! And now without further ado, here's week five with Ms. Lauren!


hi, everyone!
my name is lauren, and i blog over at busy bee lauren!

i am so honored that danielle asked me to guest post on loving life and having fun!
this topic has such a special place in my heart...

i am girl in her early twenties who married her high school sweetheart, and has a pretty dang blessed life. but, i have battled serious depression and anxiety most of my life, so it can be a challenge to be happy a lot of the time. i am constantly looking for the beautiful and wonderful things in life that make getting up each day worth it.
the following things have helped me love my life:
[1] look for beauty in everything & document it!

i always carry my camera with me, just in case i see something that inspires me at that particular moment. i look back on my photos, and it brings back memories of how i felt when i took the photo. and 9 times out of 10, it's a feel of gratitude of knowing we are so blessed to experience such beauty in our lives!
[2] dress for yourself, and do it each day!

develop your own style that makes you happy! i have found that when i look my best, i feel my best. i have made it a habit to always get dressed in a cute outfit, even if it is just to go mail a letter at the post office, or to pick up some groceries. don't dress for others...dress to make you happy :) and beyond that, dress in a way that expresses who you are.
[3] never speak negatively about your significant other...

my husband makes me happier than anyone on this entire earth. and our love for each other is a great source of happiness. i have made a commitment to never speak negatively about him, even if he sometimes drives me bonkers. they key to happiness is to love. and love is something you have to work at. but it's the most rewarding thing you could ever have!
thank you, danielle for letting me share with all of you my ways to have a happy and awesome life!
1. I also really love documenting my life, and it makes me so happy to be able to look back when I'm sad and relive happy times. It always makes me smile. And to go off of what Lauren wrote for number one, I think it's so important to see the beauty in the little things. This week I am going to take my camera with me wherever I go and capture the beauty (big and small) in our days.

2. Goal number two is to simply dress for me everyday. Wear a pretty sun dress, a cute blouse, things that make me feel great and happy. This week will be a no yoga pants and tank zone!

3. My third goal is not to say one negative about anyone for this entire week. I really liked what Lauren said about not saying anything negative about your partner, and I never ever say anything negative about Hank, but sometimes  I do find myself saying random things while out and about. Like, "um why is she wearing that?!" That's just mean and there's no need for it. So, this week that's my goal.  No judging. I think it will really add to the positive energy in my life to kind of zap out that little bit of negativity I let float around from time to time.

How about you? What are you going to do this week to add to the quality of your life, to have a bit more fun and enjoy the beauty in our everyday? I can't wait to read what you share!

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