Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Dear May,

I'm so excited for May's arrival for a huge, long list of reasons...but the first reason is perhaps one of my most favorite, and one of the best days of the year- our wedding anniversary. It's actually on the last day of the month, and I feel like I count down to throughout the entire month! Most years we've been on vacation to celebrate- last year we were in Hawaii and the years before in Vermont and NYC, but this year we may do things a little more low-key. I'm envisioning a picnic for our little family and maybe a date that evening. So excited.

walking into the reception, Mr. and Mrs.!

Other fun May dates? My first Mother's Day, my 29th and GOLDEN birthday on the 29th, and typically it was always the month we had our last day of school too! This year though I won't be celebrating that day, although I'm tempted to pull into the high school, just so I can drive out, windows down, to regain that distinct feeling of freedom.  It was the best, knowing I had an entire summer vacation ahead of me, and I loved that even though I was an adult, I still got to enjoy that luxury. Hank's birthday also feels like it's a part of May too, since it's just three days after mine, on June 1st! We always celebrate together.

rasberry torte
celebrating our birthday in Vermont

35 weeks
getting excited for my first Mother's Day- it's hard to even remember what this felt like!
What a celebratory month, right? I can't wait for all the fun to come. So, here's to May, and here's to a whole lot of celebrating!

Jumat, 29 April 2011

Spring times, good times

Yesterday was the loveliest of days. One of my dearest friends Adie joined Henry and me for a downtown stroll that ended in an impromptu tea time on a picnic blanket under a large shade tree.  As we sat there, talking about this and talking about that, I was reminded yet again of how lucky I am to live where we live. As the sun shined down through the just-green branches, and the breeze lifted the edges of our blanket, I looked around and felt so grateful for this day, my friendship with Adie, and for the opportunity to be surrounded by such beauty. Henry lounged and laughed and stretched out, the sun warmed our faces, and our iced teas dwindled away. It was seriously such an amazing afternoon. I hope our spring is filled with a million more days like this in our little town, and I hope that wherever you are, spring is at least starting to show its face a little more.

Happy Friday!












Kamis, 28 April 2011

A Slice of...Salt Lake City, UT

Hello everyone and thank you to Danielle for letting me share a little bit about my city! My name is Danielle,I'm 25 and live in Salt Lake City, Utah with my husband and 3 dogs. I moved here when I was 6 years old, moved to Portland, OR when I was 18 (at which point I swore up and down I would never move back to Utah) and moved back to Utah when I was 22. The first time I lived here I didn't appreciate all the good things Utah has to offer and focused on the bad, but now that I'm back, and will most likely be here for awhile, I have decided to make the best of it. Most people know Utah as the Mormon state but there is so much more to it than that. Whether you love the outdoors or are more of a city person there is something for everyone.

Salt lake is located at the base of the Rockey Mountains and pretty much wherever you are in the valley you are 30-45 minutes from home to hiking or sitting on the lift at one of the local resorts. I love every season Utah has to offer and each season the mountains have something new to offer. Husband and I love to go hiking and camping during the summer because we can hurry and pack after work and within an hour we are setting up our campsite.

I love that there are 4 seasons here, even though spring and fall are really short I still love the couple weeks we get and fall has to be my absolute favorite time of year. The trees are beautiful, plus cooler weather equals sweaters and Halloween. It's also the perfect time to go camping at the different hot spring locations.

Husband and I love to eat, but we are probably 2 of the pickiest people you will ever meet. A couple years ago my bestie introduced me to a little diner up one the canyons and it was instantly my new favorite! It's called Ruth's Diner and was opened back in the 1930's by a woman who didn't quite fit in with the Utah crowd so she moved an old box car up the canyon and became a popular truck stop. They serve glorified diner food and everything is delicious, I 've never ordered something I didn't like. Plus they have deep fried macaroni and cheese, and who doesn't love that!

Keeping with the food theme one of the my other fave spots in the valley is My Dough girl. It's a cute little cookie shop that has amazing cookies and each cookie is given a pin up girl name. The little shop is decorated in 1940's pin up girl style and it's just lovely. They have the basics like chocolate chip and peanut butter but they also have

Salt Lake it also pretty close (relatively speaking) to red rock country. Within a matter of hours you go from the Rockey Mountains to the Red Rock Desert and repel down a 90 ft free fall in a canyon that most people will never see. The canyons are absolutely breathtaking and a complete change of scenery from the valley where I live.

The Great Salt Lake is known for being about 50 times saltier than the Dead Sea! Shallow enough that you can walk out onto it for miles, it is one of the sights that makes Utah unique. Kayaking out on the lake is quiet and peaceful, and you really can't find anything thing like it!

Shoot The Tube is fun, but you have to do it hush hush! The huge snow drainage pipe that runs under the freeway can be blocked up until the water runs high and makes for the largest water slide you've ever experienced.

Would you mind?

photo by Christina Heaston

Hi all,

A little late to the "Circle of Moms" bandwagon but I got an email asking me to claim my blog, so I did, and noticed I had some votes for the "Top Baby Journal" contest.  I've always enjoyed these types of sites because it allows me to meet new friends and other mamas, and I'd love to participate! 

If you wouldn't mind, could you spare a minute to vote for this blog?  I have a long way to go to catch up, but you can vote once a day until May 16th.

Thank you so, so much!

Danielle (and Henry, too!)

Looking forward to...

I love movies, and especially going to the theater to see a new release (in the afternoons of course, I can't stand packed theaters!).  But like most new parents, we haven't gone out to the movies even once. This summer I am definitely looking forward to taking advantage of some "grandparent time" to go catch a film, enjoy some fresh popcorn, and put our feet up on the railing (because everyone knows those are the best seats in the house!).

So, here are few films I am looking forward to, the first I originally found here. :)

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Henry: 5 months


5 months, almost half a year! I can't believe it. This month has been the biggest month for Henry so far, as far as growth and learning new things!  It seems like his mind grows and grows more and more everyday, and his personality is emerging at the same rate. If what he's like now is any indication of what he'll be like as he gets older, I foresee our little man being quite the ham. But also quiet at times, extremely sweet, and a total mama's boy. Henry is just starting to like to cuddle, and his favorite way to sleep is on his side, facing me, one thumb in his mouth and the other holding on to me. It melts my heart every single day. He's now sleeping in his crib every night and has recently gone back to sleeping through the night. Last month he started waking up 2-3 times, and we couldn't figure out what the problem was. Eventually we realized that he was just too big for the co-sleeper we had him in in our bed, and once we moved him into his crib (and got through the adjustment period), he was back to sleeping almost 12 solid hours. Henry loves to sleep completely stretched out, arms and legs wide open most of the time, and no wonder he kept waking up- every time he went to stretch he found himself confined. Now he is absolutely loving his crib, and although it's a little sad to not wake up and see his smiling face, Hank brings him in every morning for his first feeding and we cuddle for a long time to make up for it!

 DSC_0165 edit

So here's Henry's current schedule:

6:30am wake up, Hank brings him into our bed before he gets in the shower
7-7:30am feed Henry, cuddle in bed, etc.
8am eat breakfast while Henry plays
8:30am get us ready for the day- either the gym/bootcamp, errands, meet a friend for brunch, or hanging out at home
9:00am leave the house or stay at home, but either way H. takes a nap during this time. He'll sleep through my bootcamp class (falls asleep in the car on the way there), or he'll sleep in his crib
10:30/11am wake up, feed Henry, hang out and read, play, etc. for the next couple of hours
2pm nap #2- this nap lasts anywhere from one and a half hours to two hours or so
3:30/4pm wake up, feed Henry, sometimes we'll go on a walk during this time
5:30pm Hank gets home and they have father/son time while we cook dinner
6:30pm start winding H. down for bed, give him a bath
7:00pm (on the dot) bring Henry into his room, read a book, feed him again. He usually falls right asleep around 7:30 or so.

When he wasn't sleeping through the night he would wake up at the same times almost every night- 11pm and 4am! Now that he's back to being a great sleeper I'm counting my lucky stars and enjoying every second. I think they say though that the minute you mention what a "great sleeper" your baby is, you're destined for a sleepless night, so we'll see about that! 

In other Henry news, all he wants to do lately is pull himself up into sitting position, and once he's there he wants to stand. He's such a mover and is on the verge of being able to crawl, once he figures it all out. He loves to flip belly to back, back to belly, and push up with his legs so his butt's in the air.  I'll post a video later this week from the other day and you'll see what I mean! It's just beyond neat because we'll go to bed one night, having just started to attempt something, and then the next day he'll master it! He's so smart and it's amazing seeing all of the connections being made day to day.

Henry is also quite the babbler and lately has taken to screaming and squealing when he's happy. He loves to take walks in his Baby Bjorn, and we've found that he likes that a lot more than his Ergo or Moby wrap because he can comfortably face out and take in so much action. He's so observant so unless he's super tired he prefers to face out.

This month Henry:

went on his second hike- he loves the outdoors
started making more distinct vowel sounds
is teething- I can see a little white bit of a tooth on his lower front/left gum
can almost sit up on his own
can almost push/pull himself into a seated position on his own
loves to stand with assistance as much as possible
started using a jumperoo and loves to bounce
likes to lie on his back and clap his feet together over and over
is highly amused by clapping and likes to "clap" with us by holding our hands
has mastered picking things up/reaching for things
has gotten to the stage where we have to push things away from him when out to dinner- he will lunge and grab at everything
is still breastfeeding
is getting more and more light brown hair
loves to have his head rubbed while falling asleep
still doesn't really live him Bumbo chair- is too active to want to sit still in it
had his first Easter
started to enjoy playing with blocks- he especially likes light blue and yellow
smiles every time Madeline comes near him
laughs very easily/smiles very easily

It's funny because every new stage has been the "best one yet," and I can only imagine how much more fun this is going to get as he gets older and is able to communicate with us more and more. My heart just grows and grows every single day, and I cannot even begin to describe the job that I feel being this little guy's mama.

So here's to you Henry, and here's to 5 months! We love you so much.


Mama Said, V.13

This week's Mama Said is a triple doozy, with words of wisdom from some of the raddest mommies in the blogosphere. First up is Raechel, who is a special blog friend of mine- Henry and her daughter were actually born just days apart! I've absolutely loved getting to know Raechel and her family via her blog, and watch little Ev grow up right alongside Henry. Then, you'll hear from the fabulous Dena, who is a beautiful mama to some adorable boys. Dena and her blog (one of my daily reads) always inspire me to be in the moment, and I really enjoy seeing what it's like to raise older boys- she seems to have so much fun doing so! And lastly is Thursday, who is another fave blogger and super mama to a lovely little lady named Georgia. Like Dena her advice may be simple, but so absolutely true. I admire her ability to be such a present Mommy but also have time to be so creative. Stop by her blog and you'll see what I mean!  But without any more of my rambling, here's Raechel to start us off (and thank you again, so so much to all three of you lovely ladies!):

Hey, Sometimes Sweet readers! My name is Raechel and I blog over at Our Island Outlook. I started blogging so that our family and friends back in the States could follow our adventures while we live in Japan but it has morphed into so much more.

Our daughter, Evelyn, was born within just a few days of Danielle and Hank's sweet little Henry. She is our little pride and joy; she's cat-napping in her carseat as I write this at 0630 after bringing my husband to work. The joys of a one-car family. :)

Many thanks to Danielle for letting me contribute to her great feature, "Mama Said".

My advice I have to offer is rather practical and very well may be common knowledge to most but hopefully at least one person can pull something away from my small contribution...

Call. If you're unsure of anything regarding your baby's health and wellness, call someone. It is difficult for me to call back to the States to pick my mother or grandmother's brain but you can bet your bottom dollar that at 1:00AM on Thanksgiving morning when Ev was just a week old and projectile vomited all over, I called the ER. If a medical professional seems less than thrilled or downright rude about your questions, try to brush them off. It is their job to help you out and if they have an attitude about it, that's their own problem. You are your baby's advocate so don't ever be afraid to call someone to ask questions.

Olive oil and a toothbrush. Little Miss has had a small amount of cradle cap since about her second week of life. At her two month appointment I finally asked what I could do to "get rid of it" and while my doctor told me that babies eventually grow out of it she suggested brushing Evelyn's wet head with a soft baby brush. We didn't have a soft baby brush so I've improvised with a soft-bristled toothbrush; we have yet to buy a baby brush because the toothbrush is working just fine. The olive oil was my grandmother's suggestion. You can put a small amount of it on your baby's head during bath time and then scrub lightly with a soft brush of your choice to help loosen the unsightly flakes. Just be sure to really rinse otherwise the oil could exacerbate the problem.

Always check for hairs in between precious fingers and toes. Last year a close friend had her second baby. I was horrified when the baby was just a couple months old she had to take her to the doctor because a piece of hair had wrapped itself so tightly around the little toe that the doctors contemplated the best course of action: one of them was removing the toe because of the possible damage the unseen hair had caused. Little did I know hair tourniquets are a common issue among infants; my mother informed me that I had a hair tourniquet as an infant as well. So during bathtime be sure to do a thorough check among your baby's cute little digits to check for any hairs that may be beginning to embed itself in the skin. If you notice a red or swollen digit, it could be a hair tourniquet call your doctor or ER if it is after hours. We don't have to worry about this since Ev is a girl but I read that hair tourniquets can also happen to a boy's penis so if you have a boy, be sure to check there, too.


Name/blog: Dena from With Love, The Fishers
Our pack of boys: Brandon 8, Ayden 4 and Lucas 1.

And here's my advice:

1) Always remember to live in the moment with your kids.
Remember what they talked about, what they did, what they looked like...cherish these fleeting moments, and skip the dishes every now and then.

2) Motherhood is an art.
And we are the makers of our home.
Every inch of it.
And we get these beautiful people to raise up.
How lucky are we?

3) You can never say I love you too much.


Hello there friends!  My name is Thursday and I'm super excited to be here today on Sometimes Sweet. If you ever travel to Peterborough, Ontario (a small town in Canada) you may just stumble across my humble homestead.  Here I live a pretty blissed out life with with my partner Jesse and our one year old daughter Georgia Grace. 

Now, normally I don't like to give advice.  Maybe that's because when Georgia was born I was inundated with it (and resented much of it).  I have to admit that when I wrote this list I wasn't writing to anyone but myself - the me that was a brand new and scared out of her wits mama. 

1. If someone offers a helping hand (and you could use it), take them up on it! 
Forget your pride.  It feels good.

2. Let your house get messy and enjoy every sweet moment.  Every single stage is an amazing era.  Be present and take it all in.

3. If all of this seems like too much to handle - tell someone.  If you're overwhelmed by irrational thoughts - tell someone.  You don't have to spend the first months of your baby's life drowning in fear.  Postpartum depression is all too common and definitely not something you need to go through on your own.

Those bits of wisdom were hard-won in the early days of Georgia Grace.  Silver lining?  At least I know a little more for the next one. (Please don't  ever tell the boy I said that, okay?)

If you'd ever like to stop by my place to learn more about me, my wee family or my wonky little handmade life I'd love to have you!  Bring a mug of tea or a bottle of vodka - whatever you choose we'll have a good time.

Selasa, 26 April 2011

Tattoo Tuesday V.67

Name and blog name: Tenille Evans //

Age: 27

Occupation: Self employed jewelery designer and fulltime mama.

Age of first tattoo: I had it done for my 21st birthday. It was a pink diamond in my left armpit. The tattoo artist Zoe Windle was a little reluctant to do it, seeing as though it is quite a painful spot for a first tattoo! I figured I didn’t have anything to compare it to yet. I don’t remember it hurting too much but I’m sure that when I get around to getting the other armpit tattooed, I’ll be a much bigger wuss about it.

Favorite tattoo:
An anchor on my right ankle. My only piece of flash, my almost-husband and I both got matching ones on a whim on our third date. It was a bit of a joke that went way too far! Lucky it worked out between us, or it would probably be my least favourite tattoo now!

Featured tattoo/location:
Dead lady with pomegranate and peonies on my right upper arm.

Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Heath Nock. Custom Tattoos Sydney, Australia.

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story or special meaning? Why did
you choose this particular piece of art?

This is actually part of what will eventually become a full sleeve. It is a woman holding a pomegranate, inspired by a painting called Proserpine by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. She is surrounded by a wreath of yew berries and peonies.

It is based around imagery from a John Keats poem called Ode to Melancholy. To be honest, I am actually a bit of a nerd and really love poetry. This poem is about the transience of beauty and the inevitability of all things coming full circle. Without wanting to sound like a pessimist (because I’m not!), it’s really about the inevitability of death. It actually kind of makes sense as a tattoo metaphor. A tattoo is something “permanent” but really, in a larger sense, what does the concept of permanence really mean? In a way, getting tattooed is a way to remind myself of my mortality and be ok with it. Which I think is a lovely, humbling and truthful thing.

I was intended to have a line from the poem put into the banner. But never having got around to it, it’s been empty for 3 years and now I think I like it that way. Heath has also done a skull with a purple rose on my forearm. The two pieces will at some point be joined by some large death’s head moths and maybe some more flowers.

2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where? 

A zombie Guadalupe-style nun on my left calf. This was done by Megan Oliver at Innervision Tattoo in Sydney. No story about it, I just dreamed that I already had it, so I thought there must be a reason, and had it inked!

Roses on my inner right arm. Done by Jeremiah Barba when he was working at Last Rites in NYC.

Two dead swallows on my stomach. Done by Carl Carlson from Diablo Art in Sydney. I had these
done before my pregnancy. They stretched out and have since gone back, completely normal.

Pink Diamond in my left armpit done by Zoe Windle when she was working at Innervision Tattoo in Sydney.

Anchor on my right ankle done by Ryan Ussher when he was at Skin Deep Tattoo in Sydney.

On the side of my right knee, I also have a heart with a banner saying ‘Cash’- my baby son’s name. Very badly done by me! I’ll go over it again at some point. Or maybe get a professional to do it!

3) Do you plan on getting more?

Yes! I would love to have more. The only thing that holds me back is money! Getting tattooed is an expensive hobby. I generally prefer to save up for quality custom work. And it isn’t cheap!

4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them? 

My immediate family love them. They are actually now all tattooed themselves! My mum got her first tattoo a few years ago with me in New York City. My dad and three sisters all have one or two each and always talk about getting more. My partner has a few tattoos but doesn’t have any really large pieces....yet! Like me, he’s very keen to get more.

As far as the general community goes, most of the responses I get from people are very positive. People think they look great and are genuinely interested. I do however, get responses and comments even when I haven’t asked for them. This happens often and although I’m pretty tolerant and generally don’t mind talking to people, it can get tiresome sometimes. “Did that hurt?” “Why did you do that?” “What does it mean?” “Did you think about....(whatever)...”

Whenever I’m feeling like I don’t feel want to talk to strangers and answer the same old silly questions, I just cover up. When I choose to do this, it’s just that, my own choice. I’m pretty lucky that I am self-employed and a work from home mama so I can look and dress however I like! In the past though, I have covered up for job interviews, for meetings and for my nanna.

I have had a couple of very negative experiences, the worst being when a man physically grabbed my leg and yelled obscenities at me! I have to shrug those off though, because people who are that offended by somebody else are obviously very unhappy people. Being angry about it only intensifies the negativity. It’s better to forget it and wish those people well.

5) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?

For me, the reason I got my first tattoo is very different to the reason I keep going back and getting more. These reasons are highly subjective and personal for me and your reason for getting tattooed should be as well. Even though Miami Ink would have us think otherwise, it really doesn’t matter WHY you get tattooed. You shouldn’t feel like you need to justify your choices to anyone but yourself. Every tattoo doesn’t need a story to be important.

On the other hand, you should definitely think hard about what you want to put on your skin and why. But, don’t think for too long. It’s just skin. As soon as you take the plunge, you’ll realise it’s not really as big of a deal as you first thought. Yes, it’s going to be on you forever but no one really knows how long that is. Saying that though, make sure whatever artwork you choose to put on your skin is meaningful and truthful to YOU, no one else. Then go for it!

Senin, 25 April 2011


overcast, beautiful day

So picture this: it's a beautiful Sunday afternoon, you're out on a mid-day drive with your husband and your darling baby boy, the sun is shining through the trees, the perfect song comes on the radio...and the first thought that pops into your head is, "I need to tweet this."

Ugh. Really? Yes, really...if you're me. Embarrassing, right? This past weekend I had a realization that for how much I love my life, at times I don't put the "living" part first. I've talked about this before, but I didn't realize how much "tweeting" has become a part of my day to day until I decided to take a break from it.  For the past two days I've restricted my internet use a bit, outside of blogging and sharing links to posts.

I left my iPhone behind while I nursed Henry.

I used my iPod shuffle rather than my phone as I worked out.

I didn't tweet every twitter-worthy thought that popped into my head.

I resisted the urge to share photos all day long via Instagram.

And you know what? I enjoyed it. I spent thirty minutes last night, rocking my baby boy to sleep, not trying to catch up on emails, reply to messages and multi-task while I fed Henry. I held him close, spent that uninterrupted time just thinking, noticing, relaxing. I zoned out at the gym, and in turn had a wonderful workout and was able to really focus on strengthening my body and clearing my head.  I didn't find myself trying to "catch up" with my Twitter friends, or stay in the loop whenever I had a free minute. I was in the moment, rather than trying to capture the moment.

Now, I am definitely a fan of social networking, but (admittedly, embarrassingly), lately I've allowed myself to become too immersed in that world. It's always been a part of my life, and it is absolutely a large part of blogging, but as I reevaluate the purpose of "extras" that surround me, I find myself realizing that I am wasting precious, precious time over-sharing. I have the blogging part down pat- I manage this quite wonderfully and balance it well, but it's all the "other" sites that are just too much. I typically only use the internet while Henry is napping or asleep at night, but during this past two days I replaced all of that "free" time with reading good old-fashioned books, and I am so much happier. This is not to say I am going to quit any of my beloved sites. Truth be told, I adore Twitter, and especially Instagram, and I absolutely love the friends that I keep in touch with via those sites. However, moderation is key. I became aware of just how much I need that moderation when I held back from tweeting and various things popped into my head throughout the day that I had the "urge" to share. It's almost humorous (a bit sad, too!) if I was to list it all out, but for my own sake I'll keep all of those thoughts to myself. It makes me think though, what did I do with these thoughts before I had the gateway to funnel them out to a few thousand people? If I remember correctly, I kept them to myself (wow, what a notion!) or called Hank or a friend. One on one. Personal.

I guess my point is that I found myself enjoying life a lot more when I took a step back. I want to look at a beautiful flower and not think about taking a photo to upload to Twitter. If anything, I want to snap a photo and send it to my husband, and let him know how beautiful it was.

So, that's where I'm at. Still loving staying connected, still loving all of this glorious technology, but keeping it all in perspective. Using those sites to enhance my life, not become my life. Add to, not define. Being internet-savvy in this modern world has it's perks, but with that comes a responsibility to myself and my family to make sure I preserve the simple things in life, and keep myself in check.

Can any of you relate to this? I'd love to hear your perspective.

Giveaway: Yes Ma'am Sweets

This week I'm super excited to host a giveaway from an uncommon type of blog sponsor...a darling bakery based out of Florida, Yes Ma'am Sweets from the Kitchen! Patlei from Yes Ma'am was kind enough to send Hank and me a huge assortment of their treats- macarons and cupcakes- and let me tell you, they were DELICIOUS. The cake consistency was rich, and the icing was just the right, so decadent and sweet. And the macarons...oh, the macarons! Delicious.  So when Yes Ma'am wanted to host a giveaway here I was super excited to extend the opportunity to taste their treats to all of my wonderful readers!

The winner receives:

4 Super Chocolate cupcakes with a creamy chocolate ganache topping that comes with a sweet raspberry syrup to drizzle on top 

4 moist Strawberry cupcakes delightfully frosted with a fluffy strawberry buttercream

6 delicate Chocolate macarons filled with a unique chocolate passion fruit ganache

{All delivered to winners house via Fedex overnight}

Also: if you'd like to order anything from Yes Ma'am, mentioning this post in your order gives you free shipping on orders $100+, May through July. This is great for weddings & birthday bashes- the order does not have to be delivered in these months, just ordered.

To enter: Leave a comment with your name and email! It's that easy!

For an additional entry you can follow Yes Ma'am on twitter, just be sure to let me know via an additional comment, along with your name and email.

Good luck! I'll choose a winner on Monday, May 2nd.

Blowfish Shoes Giveaway Winner!


Congratulations to a new friend of mine, Ms. Moorea Seal! I was so excited when I counted down the entries to lucky #10 and saw your pretty face! Congratulations on winning such a fabulous pair of shoes!

Moorea, I will pass your contact info along to Blowfish so you can get your lovely shoes on the way to you.

Thanks again to all who entered!

Minggu, 24 April 2011

a playlist for a Monday morning.


Hello beautiful new week, new day, new Monday! I thought it would be fun to post a playlist today, full of some favorites I'd love to share.  Wishing all of you a happy day!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones