Jumat, 15 April 2011

Friday links to love!

Hello and happy Friday!  My weekend feels like it's already begun, because one of my dear friends Erin came up from Phoenix with her son Kyler! The boys are a couple months apart and are just too adorable together. We had a mama/baby sleepover, Hank cooked us his "famous" enchiladas, we made homemade salsa and guacamole, and had the best night girl talking for hours. After Erin left this morning I got the great news that Sarah managed to get us AMAZING seats to the Taylor Swift concert in October when they went on sale this morning! I don't know how we'll even be able to wait that long, but it's definitely going to be worth it. I can't even explain how excited I am!

There's a lot more to share (lots of photos), but I am going to wait until my weekend wrap up on Sunday. Also coming up on the blog this week: a giveaway from Blowfish shoes and Yes Ma'am Sweets! Until then here are some links to start your weekend off on a fun note! Enjoy.


This week I guest posted in two wonderful places: first, I shared some beautiful vintage dress picks on Mandy's blog, and I also shared some new-mama "wisdom" on Rachael's!

This incredibly honest and beautifully-written post by one of the most inspiring ladies in the blog world is a must-read.

Loving this rainy day inspiration.

Poppy's owl-inspired 2nd birthday party is all sorts of adorable!

Fruity carrot cupcakes with lemon infused frosting! Oh man.

I am so, so in love with this painting and really hope Emily of The Black Apple makes it into a print.

This roundup of classic men of style is neat!

This bag is just adorable and perfect with jeans and a white tee, or taken along to the beach!

There are few things better than a delicious AND healthy breakfast. I am loving this recipe for protein pancakes!

Heidi braids with fabric. Such a cute twist on a hairdo I already adore.

Rachel's feature on Harper's Happenings today made me smile.

This scarf is adorable, but I really love the way it's styled! Perfect for summer.

Erin's tips for packing your kid's lunches is just fantastic and worth a read!

Beautiful girl, beautiful tattoo.

Adeline steals my heart every time I see a new photo of her!

How amazing is Jen's skirt here (and hello, the whole outfit!)? It's the perfect shade of red/orange. Cutest mama.

Little Lola Birdie is quite the fashion plate.

I love Tina Fey and I love babies. So, this is awesome.

This interesting article is very relevant to my life right now. I'm stepping away from the computer a lot more now...and you know what? I don't miss it a bit!

And finally, I love love love Leigh-Ann's post on "dreamboats." How many can you identify with?

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