Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Guest Post: Katie from Skunkboy Creatures

Hello, Sometimes Sweet readers!  My name is Katie and I run a little blog called Skunkboy Creatures.  I am so happy to be sharing with you today while Danielle is away.  I just adore that lovely girl and this beautiful blog!

I have a baby girl named Poesy who just turned six months old, and that baby will not stop growing!  It seems like only yesterday we found out we were having another little one and were filled with emotions.  We were so nervous about having a baby because we hadn't had a little one around in eight years, but we were excited about the sweet, new addition to our family!  Now she's eating solids, scooting around, and laughing like a little person!  I keep telling her to slow down, but she refuses to listen.  Sheesh... babies...

Since babies seem to be such terrible listeners on this subject, I've written a formal open letter to all babies.  Here it is:

Dear Babies,

        I am speaking on the behalf of mothers everywhere when I say, "Stop growing so fast!"  We mommies need to hold you a little longer, take care of you a little better, and enjoy your company even more.  You go from sleeping all day and waking only to eat, to gobbling pureed vegetables and scooting around the room in an instant!  Life goes by fast when you are old, and even though this may feel like a lifetime to you, it's a blink of an eye to us!  So I beg you, PLEASE, stop growing so fast... or, at least slow time down a little, okay?

Thank you for your time, adorable squishy babies.


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