Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Tattoo Tuesday V.77

Name and blog name: Gaby Brown, "Slow but speeding..."

Age: 31

Occupation: Craftsmistress

Age of first tattoo: 19 years old

Favorite tattoo:
I'd be hard pressed to choose just one!

Featured tattoo/location:
Victorian key and roses, inner left arm

Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo:
Aliz of Primitive Origins, London UK

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story or special meaning? Why did you choose this particular piece of art? 

This tattoo is my newest, just had it done last month.  It's designed to represent my grandmother, who to me is the epitome of form and function.  She's a lovely lady, graceful and gracious, she taught me how to behave and how to throw a fantastic party, and at the same time she is strong and is the driving force of our family.  Hailing originally from Texas, I had seen pictures of vintage keys and always thought they were beautiful.  It wasn't until I moved to London in 2003 and got handed the keys to my new abode that I realised they were still in use, which only cemented my fascination with them.  To me, they are form and function balanced equally, and are the perfect representation of The Mimi.  Yellow roses are her favourite flower (not to mention the state flower for Texas) so it was just the icing on the cake to wrap them around the key.  Mimi's reaction to my sister and I (the two of us having both lived with her at one time or another) having this tattoo done?  Hysterical laughter, followed by "you idiots!"  She loves it, though.  *grin*

2) Do you have any other tattoos?  If so, what do you have and where?

I am fairly heavily tattooed.  I have a full back piece of a koi, a couple of lotuses and a cherry blossom tree which covered over my first two tattoos and incorporated my third one, and also a single cherry blossom on my right inner wrist (plucked from our wedding cake, my sister and I both had that one done as she was my maid of honour).

3) Do you plan on getting more?

Oh, I have lots of plans.  They hinge entirely on my ability to talk my husband around to the idea of his wife having a sleeve...

4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)?  Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them? Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos? 

My family and friends haven't had anything negative to say about my tattoos... if anything, I'm a bit of a pusher when it comes to permanent body art.  The list of people who have come to visit me in London and gotten a tattoo during their stay now includes two sisters and my mother!  My grandmother was concerned when I first told her I was getting a full back piece, but when she saw the finished product she was completely won over, and has even made noises about having a stained glass window made from the design.  *lol*  Obviously, when I was working in an office I had to keep them covered up, but it never really affected me.  Most reactions I get when I leave them uncovered are over the top positive, people asking where I had them done and saying they're beautiful.  My husband has both of his upper arms done, a smallish Japanese themed design on one arm and a red and black tribal on the other (that was quite small originally, but the guy who did my lower back extended it).  He's now thinking about his next design, and is leaning toward a samurai in full armour on his ribs.  We've also just found out that we're going to have a baby in early October, so our sproglet will think tattoos are totally normal.  *lol*


5) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?

I have loads of advice!  *lol*  None of my tattoos were picked off the wall in a tattoo studio, and my back piece was drawn directly on my skin rather than using a transfer.  That means that I'll never see my tattoos walking down the street on a total stranger, and this was a big deal for me.  Also, make sure you've done research on the actual artist you'll have for your session, not just on the shop.  It doesn't matter how great the shop's reputation is, if you get their substitute artist who only tattoos once a month your results might not be reliable.  Always look at their portfolio, and don't be shy about deciding not to go ahead with a tattoo if you're not 100% happy about the design and the artist on the day, this is permanently on your body and you shouldn't go through with it if you're not absolutely sure.  Most of all, though, find a design you absolutely love and it'll give you years of pleasure.  I am still as happy with mine as I was the day I got them, and I look forward to being an old wrinkly tattooed granny.  *grin*

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