Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Roald Dahl, I love you!

Let's talk books again, shall we? I've always been quite the bookworm and as early as I can remember I've pretty much been obsessed with reading. I mean, I am a former English teacher! Now that I'm a Mom I find myself browsing the kid's and young adult section more than I did before, and just the other day I was reminded of one of my all-time favorite authors, Roald Dahl.

If that name doesn't ring a bell, be sure to check out his website. After clicking around, you may realize that this wonderfully talented man has created something you are indeed familiar with. Some of my favorites: The Witches, Matilda, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Other titles you may recognize: The Fantastic Mr. Fox, The BFG, or James and the Giant Peach. He's also written countless short stories (some for adult audiences too), two novels, and a laundry list of books and plays.

I remember falling in love with Roald Dahl's creations after I first read The Witches. I adored the dark undertones and humor, and even as a young girl I could recognize just how awesome all of his stories were. They painted such vivid pictures in my mind, and later when many of these books and stories were made into movies I fell in love with those too. I was 8 years old when The Witches was made into a film and it absolutely terrified me, but in a good way. My sister and I sat on the downstairs couch, watching with baited breath as those horrible witches removed their wigs and stretched their toe-less feet. We covered our faces with the old blue blanket as the girl in the painting aged, wondering if that could really happen. Later we looked for signs of a witch, as first made clear in the book, and later clarified in the movie. We believed.

And years later, I still believe. Roald Dahl is the kind of author that makes you believe. Whether you are a child or an adult, his stories are magical things, a wonderful and sometimes scary world where imaginations can run wild. I still appreciate his writing today, and I look forward to the day when Henry does too.

Do you have a favorite childhood author? I'd love to check out some of yours, so if you'd like, leave a comment below and let me know! Happy reading!

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