Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

To my sister, a month before you're to be married,

We've grown up together our entire lives, being each others playmate, confidant, best friend.  Our childhood was one in the same; our stories both began in the house in the woods, in a little town in New Jersey. Memories of bike rides up and down our long driveway, the green green grass, Friday pizza nights with TGIF on the television, exploring the woods in our backyard, the old white house and the back woods trails. So many games, TV tag and Marco Polo, playing airplane and house, you teetering out in Mom's high heels, making up dances to the old 45s in the record case. Dance and soccer and gymnastics and softball. You, three years younger, you the little sister, you always there, my beloved shadow, a mini-version, a littler me. But as we grew up you became your own person, no longer always wanting to be just like big sister, you figured out who you were, you found your own way. You became who you were always going to be. I am so thankful for those years we spent growing up together in that beautiful bubble- you were born when I was three, and when I went away to college, it marked the end of twelve years sharing clothes, laughs, secrets, and that sister language only we could understand. All of my fondest memories include you, and I feel fortunate that we are always creating new ones too; we still laugh, and play, and yes, even fight sometimes. You are a beautiful person, and throughout our lives, I've always been incredibly protective. I only want the best for you, and now that you are 26, an adult by all means, about to get married, I can say with a happy heart that you've absolutely found the best in your Abe.  My wish for you is that you continue to follow your heart and your dreams, and that you continue to be the firecracker of a girl you've always been. I hope marriage only continues to encourage your heart to grow in every which way possible. I believe that you and Abe are meant to be, and I am so happy that you have found that one person for you. Remember to love, and to have fun, and to never forget the feeling you have right now- so young and in love, about to embark on the greatest journey of your life. So, little sister, this is for you. A wish for love and happiness, a wish for your future to be a bright as your present. I love you.

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