Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

A Slice of...Tucson, Arizona!

This week my sweet friend Emily gives us a little tour of her town, Tucson, AZ.  In the wake of the terrible tragedy that just happened there, I wasn't sure whether or not I should unschedule and post this in a few weeks, but I do agree with the local news- it's so important for people to know that Tucson is a beautiful place, despite the actions of one horrible man. So thanks Emily for sharing your wonderful town with us! And readers, be sure to check out her blog- I adore her and I'm very excited that she's blogging a lot more.

Hi everyone! I'm Emily from Tucson, AZ! I'm a 21 year old student studying Fashion Merchandising. You can find me posting here but I do love Tumblr too! I was very excited when Danielle asked me to make a post for her feature, "A Slice Of..."- I have lived in Tucson all my life and have never appreciated this city as much as I do now. I think everyone has different opinions on what to do in this city, and since I am not one for drinking/going to bars my feature is a little different than what I think other Tucsonians would post about! Hope you enjoy! (editor's note, click on the photos to view them larger!)

I know I have to start of this post with one of my most favorite lunch places, Eegees. My boyfriend and I could eat here 3 times a week! (and sometimes do :)!) My favorite is their veggie grinder, it is so so good! They have other great sandwiches, pretzels, fries, etc- but they are BEST known for their drink called an Eegee. The best way to describe it is a slushie, but the ice is insanely fine/smooth and there are chunks of featured fruit in the drink! We always joke about how we wouldn't be able to move away because of this place, and sometimes I think it's true!

The second place I want to show all of you is Avenue boutique. I feel very strongly about local shops, and this is one of my favorites! Originally this store was next to a boutique that I managed- and I fell in love instantly when I found out they carried L.A.M.B. handbags! They now have moved to a beautiful location near downtown and carry high end designers PLUS vintage and home decor finds! I do recommend if you ever find your way to Tucson that you check out Avenue as well as other local boutiques/shops around Tucson! 

My friends and I are all about this place above! It's called Something Sweet, and it is a dessert lounge that serves tons and tons of treats, coffee, tea, etc. We used to come here every week and would feast on delicious treats and coffee while chatting/ playing board games they supplied! They have a little contest there called "OD Challenge." It's where someone orders a plate that contains: 4 cheesecakes, 4 brownies, ice cream, whip cream + more and if they finish it all they get it for free. The board read 28 challengers and 0 winners for SO long but last time we went someone finally did it! Something Sweet is opened late and is a great hangout spot for anyone and everyone. :)

This is one of the more popular places found in Tucson. University Blvd is the go to place for shopping, eating and/or drinking. We go down here a lot because here you can find the only Urban Outfitters in Tucson, as well as American Apparel, and a few local boutiques including Swindlers, FinallyMade and Grand Central Clothing. Since it's right on campus it's usually pretty busy, but nonetheless it's always fun to go here and walk around! I will also add in that nearby is Congress St- which is where you will find Hotel Congress as well as newer bars and a few restaurants! 

The last place of my feature is something you need to come to the opposite side of town for! I live over here and from my doorstep, it's about a 45 minute drive up the mountain to Mount Lemmon. My parent's own a cabin up there so I have been going up there for a very long time! One of my favorite parts about going there are all the beautiful pullouts on the way up. There are two major ones that look over the entire city. Windy point is really high up the mountain and there are tons of cliffs, rocks, etc to climb on. The one we usually go to we call Lookout Point, and it's only 10-15 minutes from the base of the mountain. There is a large parking lot and a big stone wall to sit on and overlook the city. Since it is far from the city the stars are beautiful and bright!  I always imagine coming up here on New Years or the 4th of July to see all of the beautiful fireworks around town. :)

Well I hope you enjoyed getting a slice of Tucson, and if you ever find yourself here I hope you make your way to a couple of these places! :)

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